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Bloodline Description Disciplines Gifts Bane Source
Neglatu Uplifted revenants with an affinity for their former kind. As uplifted clan Agah Cannot use the blood bond Onyx Path blog
Parliamentarians Tedious, browbeating Carthians who religiously adhere to the party line. Animalism, Auspex, Celerity, Majesty Bloodline Merits Cap Social dice pools by Humanity when conventional order is broken NH-SB 33
Penumbrae Acolyte psychonauts who read visions in the skein of the Blood. Auspex, Celerity, Crúac, Vigor Crúac Rites Dots of Crúac deepen states of torpor NH-SB 37
Scions of the First City Urban mystics who see through the eyes of their city. Animalism, Auspex, Obfuscate, Resilience Bloodline Devotions Cap all dice pools by Humanity outside your city NH-SB 41
Daeva Bloodlines
Jharana Obsessive technomystics chosen from those touched by the God-Machine. Auspex, Dead Signal, Celerity, Vigor Bloodline Discipline Risk Persistent Obsession from the Wanton Curse NH-SB 20
Lidérc Passionate lovers who drink from the ardor they incite. Celerity, Majesty, Obfuscate, Vigor Siphon Devotions The Wanton Curse also disrupts Touchstones NH-SB 24
Vilseduire Narcissistic rebels who revel in glamorous transgression Majesty, Nightmare, Obfuscate, Resilience None Only one Touchstone, and risk detachment at lower Humanity NH-SB 50
Gangrel Bloodlines
Kerberos Self-reinventing social predators who excel at projecting the Beast. Animalism, Majesty, Protean, Resilience Hounds of Hell Lose 10-again to oppose characters without the Predatory Aura Onyx Path blog
Nosoi Plague farmers who cultivate blood-borne disease in the herd. Dominate, Obfuscate, Protean, Resilience Bloodline Devotions Imbibed Vitae untainted by your disease is capped nightly by Humanity NH-SB 29
Mekhet Bloodlines
Ankou Killers who keep the living separate from the dead for the greater good. Auspex, Celerity, Obfuscate, Vigor None Must roll Humanity to recover Willpower from Mask NH-SB 12
Icelus Manipulators disguised as hypnotherapists plumbing the collective unconscious. Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate, Resilience Psychognosis Merit Detachment inflicts a Mesmerized state NH-SB 15
Khaibit An ancient line of soldiers who fight darkness by embracing it. Auspex, Celerity, Obfuscate, Vigor Obtenebration Devotions Temporarily blinded by any light bright enough to inhibit normal vision Onyx Path blog
Morbus Outcast plague angels who feed on diseased vessels. Auspex, Celerity, Cachexy, Obfuscate Bloodline Discipline Can't feed on the living free of disease DEC 94
Nosferatu Bloodlines
Vilseduire Narcissistic rebels who revel in glamorous transgression Majesty, Nightmare, Obfuscate, Resilience None Only one Touchstone, and risk detachment at lower Humanity NH-SB 50
Ventrue Bloodlines
Bron Knights errant and bravos who live by blood, quest, and oath. Animalism, Crochan, Dominate, Resilience Bloodline Discipline Touchstones are vulnerable to detaching and changing by the whims of fate DE2 117
Icelus Manipulators disguised as hypnotherapists plumbing the collective unconscious. Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate, Resilience Psychognosis Merit Detachment inflicts a Mesmerized state NH-SB 15
Vardyvle Jealous dreamers who yearn for what they are not and lose themselves in others' lives. Dominate, Obfuscate, Protean, Resilience Shapeshifting Devotion Feeding from those living your dreams risks False Memories NH-SB 45