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Life Arcana Basics


Of all the Arcana, it can be argued that Life is the one that all of us should be intimately familiar with.  After all, it is the very magic by which we exist.  Life is composed of the manifold processes that govern our state that differentiate us from a corpse.  We’re made of the same stuff, but we live, while the corpse is just an object.

However, to understand Life is more than just to comprehend the processes, but also to pay attention to the minutiae.  Life is not just about our bodies and their functions, nor is it just about shapeshifting into various animals, but understanding the biochemical relationships of bodily functions to influence behavior and even emotions.  A master of Life could seduce someone as easily as one with Mind can by appealing to the baser appeal of stimulating the proper release of chemicals that can dull the intellect and override higher thought with sheer primal need.

Arcana Levels

Life is a varied arcanum, capable of effects both great and small, but all of which are significant.  Among the phenomena that fall under the purview of the Life arcanum are: Disease, evolution, healing, metamorphosis and vigor.  The following is a general list of effects that a mage can pull of with varying degrees of mastery of the Life Arcana:


  • Analyze an organism for its biological features, such as age, sex, species, etc.
  • Purge oneself of drugs, toxins and poisons
  • Discern an organism’s state of health and identify any illnesses
  • Determine the proximity of all nearby living creatures
  • Perceive Life Magic and Resonance
  • Counter any perceivable Vulgar Life spell being cast


  • Control own bodily functions
  • Control base lifeforms such as plants and insects
  • Heal flora and fauna
  • Form an armor out of Life magic, bolstering her resilience to damage
  • Purge others of drugs, toxins and poisons
  • Heal self
  • Purge the self of sickness and disease
  • Give one base life form the features of another base life form
  • Transform one base life form to another base life form
  • Grant another with the ability to perceive Life Magic and Resonance


  • Purge others of sickness and disease
  • Control Median life forms like animals
  • Deteriorate one’s own physical attribute to appear feeble
  • Heal others
  • Bestow another with armor from the Life arcanum
  • Raise ones physical attributes beyond the norm
  • Transfer features from a Median life form to another Median life form
  • Transform one Median life form to another Median life form
  • Transform the self to attain features from a Base or Median life form
  • Change one’s physical features


  • Deteriorate multiple physical attributes to appear feeble
  • Seize control of a median life form and force it to take actions it normally would not instinctively be able to.
  • Cause sickness or Disease
  • Transform one’s features to appear to be someone else
  • Degrade another person’s physical attributes
  • Raise another person’s physical attributes
  • Attack another person’s life force
  • Change another persons features
  • Shapeshift
  • Further raise one’s own physical attributes
  • Bestow another with features of a Base or Median Life Form
  • Trigger Instinctual responses from humans


  • Create Life
  • Evolve a base or median life form into a human
  • Create fantastic creatures
  • Greater Shapeshifting
  • Enforce Hereditary Shifts that can be carried on to further generations
  • Seize control of a human and force it to perform actions much like a human puppet
  • Regeneration
  • Supreme Degradation or Bolstering of physical attributes

Usage & Tips

Review your biology textbooks.  As simple as that sounds, a refresher course in basic biology and biochemistry can go a long way to developing a greater appreciation for the wonders of this arcanum.

Even as the lowest levels, the Life arcanum is already useful.  Knowing how to identify and cultivate certain strains of bacteria or viruses can be rather helpful if you want to inconvenience or remove a mortal from a situation.  Security guard in the way between you and your target?  Amoeba strains in his sandwich, and a few minutes of waiting until it screws over his digestive system will do the trick.  Say a given corporate drone has information you need?  Give him a fever so that he has to go home from work early and catch him in his commute.  Even just being able to sense where other living beings are in an area can be remarkably useful, especially when sneaking around.

At higher ranks, Life puts aside the kid gloves and the brass knuckles come on.  Growing certain features from animals and insects can come in handy, even if it might be gross to grow antennae or even insect-like pads to crawl up walls.  Taking control of various animals to become your minions is pretty crass, but useful for the right situations.  Heck, just simply causing heart attacks and epileptic seizures is remarkably easy for a focused Life Mage.

  • Sense Life – Having your own little life radar is always handy, especially when you’re creeping around or you’re in a firefight.
  • Self Healing – Healing damage?  Yes please.
  • Healing Heart – Healing your teammates?  Definitely.  If anything it’ll make sure that they keep you from the worst of the firefight.
